Yesterday I attended "An Afternoon of Hope", a conference/webinar on Suicide Awareness Month. While it is a subject most people avoid talking about, it's important that we do.
As a new counselor 20+ years ago, there were theories that we shouldn't talk about suicide because it puts "bad thoughts into young brains". I disagreed then and still strongle disagree now. There are different comprehension abilities from elementary aged kids to high school and from college and adults. Conversations need to be addressed to fit the needs of each. What we know is talking about suicide does not increase suicide, it will open the doors to conversations so more
people who are contemplating suicide will reach out for help.
There is always help available. Dialing 988 is a resource available for anyone who needs support with suicidal thoughts. It is manned by professional therapists. School counselors are trained to do suicide assessments and provide resources for families to get the help they need.
As a parent, check in with your kids frequently. Always leave an open door for any conversations. Let your child know other family or friends who they could also reach out to if you are not available. Suicide is a permanent action to a temporary problem. You are not alone, there is help.